Frequently asked questions

What is the PillPouch?

PillPouch is a free NHS service that provides a unique solution for patients who are taking multiple medications per day. Your prescription is obtained from your surgery and processed in our pharmacy. Your medication is then pre-packed in easy-to-open pouches and labelled with the time and day to take them. The pouches are presented from the PillPouch box in the order you have to take them, with each pouch containing the medication due at a particular time on a specific day.

are the pouches easy to open?

Every PillPouch is perforated and is very easy to open. If you have concerns, please speak to a member of our team.

are the pouches easy to open?

The PillPouch box will normally hold either 7 days or 28 days of medication, however, this will be tailored to your individual needs.

Can PillPouch be recycled?

PillPouch is committed to the environment and have ensured both the box and Pouches can be fully recycled. We advise you to check with your local authority on the types of plastics you’re able to recycle as it can different from region to region (details of the type of plastic used can be found on the base of PillPounch box).

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